Personal Classified Ads, FOR SALE & WANTED are free for VSCDA members and $30/month for non-members. COMMERCIAL ads are $30 a month. The Classified Ad section of the web site is updated the first week of each month. Ads will be removed after one month unless renewed by the 23 rd of the month.
Mail payment to:
Vintage Sports Car Driver’s Association
Stacey Donato Office Manager
1600 W. Market St.
Logansport, IN 46947
Ad copy with your contact information should be e-mailed to by the 23rd of the month.
Chevron B27
Chevron B27
Offering this beautiful Chevron B27, currently running the 2.0L Cosworth, so entry as F2. Always maintained by a well regarded professional race shop.
My seller has owned this for quite a while, but is exclusively racing his Lola T212, so this must go! A front runner, competitive chassis; B27 #02.
1-1/2hr on the Cosworth, Jay Ivey build, aluminum nickasil block by Jennings, FT200, new R&P. Extensive records, excellent solid chassis, email for more, thanks! #509-868-2034 Offered at $97,500 OBO.
1959 Austin Healey Sprite
1959 Austin Healey Sprite
Good Condition
More pictures available
$15,000 / Located in Chicago
Tom Miller
Packaged Drivable Projects – 2 for the price of 2 or buy one for $10K and get the other one FREE!!
’69 MGB Roadster – Fair /good condition, drivable, stowable top, tonneau cover, powder coated wire wheels, new floor pans, interior in fair/good condition front suspension bushings replaced, front and rear brakes replaced
’77 MGB Roadster – Fair/good condition, drivable, newer top (never used), interior in good condition, powder coated wheels, new carpet, new front end bushings, brake pads.
Several boxes of
Asking $10K
Call: 309-696-2333
1957 Cushman Highlander
1957 Cushman Highlander. 8hp with Mikuni carbs. $3,000.
Call Barb Nevoral at 708-408-4506.
2025 Event Information