May 14, 2021
VSCDA is planning a 60th anniversary celebration of Formula Vee in September 2023! Read more here: Formula Vee Reunion
May 14, 2021
VSCDA is planning a 60th anniversary celebration of Formula Vee in September 2023! Read more here: Formula Vee Reunion
VSCDA is delighted to have signed a three year contract with Road America to continue holding our Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival (“ELVF”) at Road America during September. The arrangement will allow for further growth in one of the nation’s premier vintage racing weekends at the internationally renowned Road America 4 mile road course. Below is a picture following the signing this March 26th.
(In photo from left to right: VSCDA ELVF Co-Chair Deb Korneli, Road America Business Development Manager Sunshine McNerney, VSCDA President Alex Rorke, VSCDA ELVF Co-Chair Mike Korneli, VSCDA Vice President Jim Donato, Road America President and General Manager Mike Kertscher and VSCDA Office Manager and Chief Registrar Stacey Donato. Photo by Road America Vice President for Operations Greg Wieser.)
Alex Rorke, VSCDA President, in conversation with Celac Colvert discussing their upcoming event on the weekend of 6/19-21, 2021. Alex explains the work that went into ensuring the safety of participants as well as some the innovations that were involved in producing the event.
To VSCDA Members and Interested parties:
VSCDA’s primary concern is for the safety of our racers, members, guests and extended family of volunteers. We are closely monitoring the situation with COVID-19 and currently plan to continue with our racing schedule for the year. This includes Gingerman Spring Brake Drivers School & Race (April 30-May 3) and Blackhawk Classic (June 19-21). Their Event Chairs are working on contingencies and new systems for the events that will lessen exposure risk for all. Of course, we do not know what circumstances will be a month from now. We will keep you informed and certainly comply with all governmental requirements. At this point, please keep prepping your cars.
We are looking forward to seeing you throughout our 2020 racing season.
On behalf of the VSCDA Officers, Board and Event Chairs,
Alex Rorke
VSCDA President
2020 TENTATIVE VSCDA Race Season |
Gingerman Spring Brake Drivers School & Race Event | Apr 30 – May 3, 2020 |
Blackhawk Vintage Classic XXVI | June 19-20, 2020 |
Vintage Grand Prix AuGrattan XXXII | Aug 14-16, 2020 |
Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival XXXIII | Sept 18-20, 2020 |
Blackhawktoberfest II | Oct 17-18, 2020 |
Annual Banquet | Nov 2020 |
2019 VSCDA Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival DVD or VIDEO Featuring 50th Anniversary of Formula Ford (63 minutes) Track Video and 8 Driver Interviews. Guest of Honor Paul Page.
Friday: Race Group Practice Sessions, Formula Ford Group Photo Shoot and Formula Ford Qualifying Sessions. Enduro Race for Groups 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8.
Saturday: Sprint Races, Formula Ford Group #11 Feature Race, and Gather on Green Car Show.
Sunday: Formula Ford Group #12 and #13 Feature Races, Kimberly Cup, Sheldon Cup, Elkhart Lake Cup and other Race Groups.
VIEW 5 min. TRAILER on YouTube:
To order DVD price is $19.00 (with postage included). Payment by check (send to mailing address below), or PayPal to my email address below.
To order VIDEO File price is $12.00 (NO DVD). Payment by PayPal only. Upon receipt of payment a LINK will be returned by email to access the video file on YouTube. Make sure a valid email address is provided.
Produced by John Seaman – 456 Bluebird Ln. Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085
The pre-registration window for the FF50th @ Road America is open! Before you click on the link below, here is what you need to know:
Event Outline. The FF50th will headline the 2019 Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival, the VSCDA’s marquee event. Formula Ford’s 50th anniversary will be a five-day party (September 11-15, 2019) starting with registration, tech, and paddock load-in on Wednesday, morning test and tune (additional fee) and afternoon untimed practice on Thursday, qualifications and a group photo on Friday, and concluding with heat and feature races on Saturday and Sunday. Open to Kent-powered Formula Fords of all ages, there will be two race groups allowing a total entry of 200 cars.
Pre-Registration. Pre-registration will be open through January 31, 2019. A $200 refundable deposit towards an expected $550 entry fee will reserve a spot in the FF50th. Pre-entries will initially be classified into Historic Formula Ford, Club Ford (treads), Formula Ford (treads), Club Ford (slicks), and Formula Ford (slicks). Final classifications and provisional race group placements will be announced in February. During pre-registration, classification and/or race group change requests will be accommodated. Pre-registration deposits are refundable until March 29, 2019.
Regular Registration. Pre-registrants will be required to complete their entry during regular registration. During regular registration, there may be movement across race groups as one fills up before the other. The regular registration window will open at a date to be announced.
Crossover entries (a driver entering one car in both race groups…two drivers sharing one car is not a crossover) will be tentatively accepted. If there are less than 200 entries on August 12, 2019, crossover entries will be confirmed until both race groups are full. Entries after August 12, 2019will not bump a confirmed crossover out of a race group.
If both FF50th Formula Ford race groups are over-subscribed, overflow entries will be given the option to race in another ELVF race group.
Here’s a quick checklist to successfully pre-register on the first try:
Driver Eligibility. The following requirements must be met to race at the FF50th:
– be a VSCDA member (Membership is not required for pre-registration, you can purchased your membership during the registration process)
– be at least 18 years old by October of 2019
– have a Medical on file with VSCDA OR hold a competition racing license
– have wheel-to-wheel competition racing experience within the past 2 years OR
– have completed a competition racing school within the past 2 years
VSCDA membership is not required to pre-register. Memberships for 2019 can be purchased during regular registration. If you do not meet the licensing or seat time requirements, the VSCDA has a combined driver’s school and race weekend May 2-5, 2019 at GingerMan Raceway in South Haven, Michigan.
Licensing. Competition licenses issued by the VMC (and its affiliated clubs), SCCA, FIA, and CASC are accepted at VSCDA events. If you are planning on racing at the FF50th on a competition license issued by another organization, please submit a scan of your license with your entry for approval.Calendar year 2018 licenses will be accepted for pre-registration with the good faith understanding that they will be renewed for 2019.
Car Preparation Sheet. A Car Preparation Sheet must be on file with the VSCDA. Here is the link: CAR PREP SHEET
FF50th Driver & Car Questionnaire. The FF50th registration process includes a questionnaire to collect information that will be used in making race group assignments.
Here is the link to the FF50th on-line pre-registration:
Any questions? Please contact Steve Beeler:
Gingerman Spring Brake Drivers School & Race Event | May 2-5,2019 |
Blackhawk Vintage Classic XXVI | June 14-16, 2019 |
Vintage Grand Prix AuGrattan XXXII | Aug 16-18, 2019 |
Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival XXXIII | Sept 12-15, 2019 |
Blackhawktoberfest II | Oct 12-13, 2019 |
Annual Banquet | Nov ,2019 |
2018 VSCDA Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival DVD Featuring Spridgets – 69 minutes – Track and In-Car Video, Driver Interviews. Guest of Honor Peter Egan talks about his early writing career and racing. Celebrating 60th Anniversary of the Austin Healey Sprite.
Friday: Practice Sessions , Enduro for Groups 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8, and Spridget race car show.
Saturday: Sprint Races, Gather on Green Car Show with Special 60th Anniversary of the Austin Healey Sprite Exhibit.
Sunday: Spridget Parade Lap, Spridget Feature Race, Kimberly Cup, Sheldon Cup, Elkhart Lake Cup and Featured Race Groups.
VIEW 5 min. TRAILER on YouTube:
VSCDA member price $19.00 (with postage included). Payment by check or PayPal. Produced by John Seaman – 456 Bluebird Ln. Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085
A Race Group
B and C Race Group
D Race Group
E Race Group
Registration opens soon!
The dates for the FF50th have changed! The event has been moved up one week to September 11-15, 2019. Please adjust your calendars and travel plans accordingly. More FF50th news will be posted on this page as it happens.
FF50th @ Road America: News Release #1
October 8, 2017 (Updated May 12, 2018)
Big news! The Vintage Sports Car Drivers Association (VSCDA) will be hosting a 50th anniversary party for Formula Ford at Road America September 11-15, 2019. Please note that the dates for the FF50th have been moved up one week!
The FF50th will be a five-day event starting with registration and tech on Wednesday, paddock load-in and untimed practice on Thursday, qualifications with a group photo on Friday, and concluding with heat and feature races on Saturday and Sunday.
Open to Kent-powered Formula Fords of all ages, there will be two race groups allowing a total entry of 200 cars. Tire rules (for both slicks and treads) and licensing requirements are being written for maximum inclusivity.
The FF50th will headline the 2019 Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival, the VSCDA’s marquee event. Mike Korneli is the ELVF race chairman. Steve Beeler will be organizing the FF50th related aspects of the weekend.
FF50th @ Road America: News Release #2
December 11, 2017
The objective is to get as many drivers into the FF50th as possible. To that end, crossover entries (that is, a driver entering one car in both Formula Ford race groups…two drivers sharing one car is not a crossover) will be tentatively accepted up to the entry deadline. If there are less than 200 entries at the deadline, crossover second entries will be confirmed in entry date order until both race groups are full. After the entry deadline, late entries will not bump a crossover out of a race group.
If both Formula Ford race groups are oversubscribed, overflow entries will be given the option to run in another VSCDA race group. A process will be set up to move overflow entries into the Formula Ford race groups as cars drop out due to misfortunes of one form or another.
FF50th @ Road America: News Release #3
January 8, 2018
The VSCDA Technical Requirements for Race Cars defines safety preparation, logbook, and annual tech requirements for the FF50th. The document outlines straightforward guidelines for basic vehicle and driver safety: on-board fire extinguishers, master switches, fuel cells, roll hoops, driver restraints, helmets, protective garments, throttle springs, rain lights, catch tanks, the usual stuff. Here is the link:
Logbooks and annual techs are required at VSCDA events. If your car does not have a logbook, you can obtain one from the VSCDA tech inspection team. Annual techs from other racing organizations (VMC member clubs, SCCA, CASC, etc) will be honored. A pre-race survey will be sent out before the event to assess the logbook and annual tech work load.
A possible surprise is the requirement for a Car Preparation Sheet. Before an entry will be accepted for a VSCDA events, a car must have an up-to-date CPS on file with the VSCDA office. Here is the link to the one-page form:
FF50th @ Road America: News Release #4
February 6, 2018
The following requirements must be met to race at a VSCDA event including the FF50th:
VSCDA annual membership is $120 with an “early bird” special price of $100 if purchased by mid February. A one-event membership for the Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival (the FF50th’s host event) is $75. If you are thinking about the value of an annual membership, VSCDA holds races at three other fine venues: GingerMan, Blackhawk, and Grattan.
Competition licenses issued by the VMC, VMC member clubs, SCCA, FIA, and CASC are routinely accepted at VSCDA events.
FF50th @ Road America: News Release #5
February 25, 2018
The FF40th entry process was simple. There were three race groups: one vintage, one restricted regional, and one national. Drivers entered one or more race groups and it was all good. The restricted regional was slightly over-subscribed but (fortunately!) not until after the entry deadline.
Because the FF50th will only have two race groups, we are expecting enough entries to fill both with 100 cars each. The FF50th entry policy will be to accept the first 200 entries and then group them in the best possible way. I see a process that fills Group A and Group B simultaneously by speed potential and also by drivers who want to race against each other.
Here is a preview of the criteria that will be used to assign cars and drivers to race groups:
Number of years racing?
Number of races in the last three years?
Current license?
Number of races at Road America?
Best Formula Ford lap time @ Road America?
Chassis (Make / Model / Year)?
Damper Locations (Front & Rear)?
Damper External Cannisters (Front & Rear)?
Tires (Brand / Compound)?
Chassis Modifications?
Body Modifications?
Home Club?
Home Club Classification (FF / CFF / VFF / Other)?
Cross-over Entry?
Multi Driver Entry?
Drivers, clubs, or series you want to race with?
Group preference (A or B)?
This data will be collected during the early entry process which will go live this October. Two series have already reached out about racing together at the FF50th: the Royale Formula Ford Challenge Series and Formula Ford “The Series”. If there are drivers that you want to race with at the FF50th, it is not too early to get organized and put a list together.
More details on this topic to follow as the early entry process is finalized.
FF50th @ Road America: News Release #6
March 19, 2018
The FF50th will be open to Kent and Cortina powered Formula Fords of all ages.
For Formula Ford engine specifications, the VSCDA Technical Requirements for Race Cars follows Monoposto Racing rules which in turn reference the SCCA 2015 GCR. The 2015 SCCA GCR provides stable specifications for Kent and Cortina engines that Monoposto expects to continue referencing going forward.
Rules stability ahead of a big event is a good thing. So that everyone can prepare with confidence, the FF50th will also reference the 2015 SCCA GCR for Kent and Cortina engine rules.
FF50th @ Road America: News Release #7
April 2, 2018
The FF50th will be open to Kent (and Cortina) powered Formula Fords of all ages.
The VSCDA Technical Requirements for Race Cars follows Monoposto Racing rules which list eligible Historic (pre 1973) and Club (1973 – 1982) commercially constructed cars. To define chassis eligibility for the rest of the Formula Ford universe, the 2015 SCCA GCR will be referenced.
Just what exactly is a Formula Ford? Everyone knows the basics: a single seat, tubular frame, flat bottom, open wheel racing car. The 2015 SCCA GCR, which is also being referenced for Kent and Cortina engine specifications, will provide the rest of the details.
FF50th @ Road America: News Release #8
July 31, 2018
Registration for the FF50th @ Road America will open this fall. The on-line registration process will include a questionnaire for race group placement: chassis, tires, shocks, driver experience, etc. The questionnaire will also provide an opportunity to indicate that you belong to a series (The Crossflow Cup, Royale Formula Ford Challenge, etc).
Initially, entries will be placed into one of these five classifications. Based on entry composition, preliminary classifications may be further defined and sub-divided in order to fit 200 cars into two race groups.
Early Registration. The early registration window will be open from October 2018 through January 2019. Early entries will be subject to a refundable deposit. Final classifications and provisional race group placements will be announced in January. During early registration, classification and/or race group change requests will be accommodated and entries can be withdrawn with a full deposit refund.
Regular Registration. The regular registration window will be open from February 2019 through April 2019. A non-refundable deposit will be required at time of entry. During the regular registration window, there may be movement across race groups as one fills up before the other.
At the end of regular registration, cross-over entries (one driver in one car in both race groups) will be confirmed subject to the 100 car maximum per race group. Confirmed cross-over entries will not be bumped by late entries.
Late Registration. Late registration will open in May 2019. Late entries will be subject to the non-refundable deposit as well as a late entry fee.
If both FF50th race groups are over-subscribed, overflow entries will be given the option to race in another ELVF race group. For all entrants, the balance of the entry fee will be due at event registration.
FF50th @ Road America: News Release #14
December 20, 2018
Paul Page, the “voice” of the Indy 500, will be the banquet speaker at the Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival / FF50th banquet Saturday September 14, 2019 at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin. Formula Ford’s 50th anniversary in North America will be celebrated at the ELFV, the Vintage Sports Car Drivers Association’s marquee event.
Paul is best known for his Indianapolis 500 radio broadcasts and CART/IRL television broadcasts. Paul joined the Indy 500 radio team in 1974 and hosted the broadcast from 1977-87 and then again in 2014 and 2015. Paul led the television broadcast of the “500” from 1988-2004, twice honored with a Sports Emmy Award as Best Special. Less well known is Paul’s time behind the wheel, racing Formula Fords from 1970 to 1977.
Kent-powered Formula Fords of all ages are welcome at the FF50th. There will be two race groups allowing a total entry of 200 cars. Click here for the VSCDA’s pre-registration page:
For more information on the event, click here:
FF50th @ Road America: News Release
Third Formula Ford Race Group
March 6, 2019
FF50th pre-registrations (227 cars as of March 5) have exceeded not only expectations but the 200 car limit imposed by two Formula Ford race groups (2 race groups x 4 mile track x 25 cars per mile). To accommodate the still growing entry list, a third Formula Ford only race group has been added to the FF50th’s schedule.
Cars will be assigned to the three race groups as follows:
A: VFF (treads)
B: CFF (treads)
C: FF (treads and slicks) and CFF (slicks)
Second entries on Group A and Group B cross-overs (one driver and one car entered into two race groups) will be bumped “up” into Group C space permitting. Group C cars interested in more seat time will cross-over into the VSCDA race group where Formula Fords usually race. That group is going to be very light with a few vintage non-winged FB’s and even fewer FJ’s.
Cross-over entries will be confirmed beginning August 1. Once confirmed, cross-overs cannot then be bumped by a regular entry.
The overflow plan previously announced is no longer in effect. Entries will be capped at 300 cars.
The FF50th will headline the 2019 Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival, the VSCDA’s marquee event, and is open to Kent and Cortina powered Formula Fords from all eras (vintage, club, and modern) on both treads and slicks.
FF50th @ Road America: News Release #17
RACER Magazine to Produce FF50th Program
March 11, 2019
Long-time Formula Ford aficionado Paul Pfanner (Racer Media & Marketing) will be producing the FF50th program. RACER’s August issue will feature Formula Ford’s 50th anniversary. For the program, Paul will customize the magazine with a special cover and an insert with FF50th focused content (schedule, entry list, paddock locations, etc). The insert will have the look and feel of FORMULA magazine from back in the 1970s. No doubt the FF50th program will be an instant collector’s item.
The FF50th will headline the 2019 Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival, the VSCDA’s marquee event, and is open to Kent and Cortina powered Formula Fords from all eras (vintage, club, and modern) on both treads and slicks.
We are offering our Yearly VSCDA Membership at a discount rate of $100.00 from January 15, 2018 to February 15,2018. To take advantage of this offer, just click the link below.
The Vintage Sports Car Drivers Association (VSCDA) will be hosting a 50th anniversary party for Formula Ford at Road America September 11-15, 2019. The FF50th will headline the 2019 Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival, the VSCDA’s marquee event.
The FF50th will be a five-day event starting with registration and tech on Wednesday, paddock load-in and untimed practice on Thursday, qualifications with a group photo on Friday, and concluding with heat and feature races on Saturday and Sunday. Off-track events will provide multiple opportunities to network, bench race, and consume food and beverage.
Open to Kent-powered Formula Fords of all ages, there will be two race groups allowing a total entry of 200 cars. Tire rules (for both slicks and treads) and licensing requirements are being written for maximum inclusivity.
Mike Korneli continues as the ELVF race chairman. Steve Beeler is organizing the FF50th related aspects of the weekend.
For more information, please contact Steve at or (734)560-6031.
More information can be found at:
Join us for VSCDA’s inaugural Oktoberfest at beautiful Blackhawk Farms Raceway in South Beloit, Illinois on October 14th and 15th, 2017. In addition to a weekend of wheel to wheel racing, Saturday night will feature beer and brats in the finest upper Midwest tradition. Rumors of a polka band remain unconfirmed.
Blackhawk Farms is stunningly beautiful in the Fall, and our season finale is just the thing to shorten the offseason blues and put the exclamation point on the 2017 racing season.
2017 VSCDA Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival DVD Featuring Porsche and Formula Junior – 73 minutes – Track and In-Car Video, Driver Interviews. Guest of Honor Vic Elford talks about his Porsche racing career. Aero Warrior Reunion.
Friday: Practice Sessions , Enduro for Groups 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8, and Formula Junior / Porsche race car show.
Saturday: Sprint Races, Formula Junior Feature Race, Gather on Green Car Show with Aero Warriors. Ramo Stott tells about Superbird racing in the 70’s.
Sunday: Porsche and Aero Warrior Parade, Porsche Feature Race, Kimberly Cup, Sheldon Cup, Elkhart Lake Cup and Featured Race Groups.
VSCDA member price $19.00 (with postage included). Payment by check or PayPal. Produced by John Seaman – 456 Bluebird Ln. Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085
VSCDA would like to thank all of it’s members, racers and supporters. See you next season!
2025 Event Information